TM 5-3805-260-24When the bowl is empty, the time to fully open thedoor and to move the ejector forward is approximately 7seconds.The time to fully close the door and to move theejector back is approximately ½/2 second less than thetime to eject forward.If the travel time is not correct:1. Check pump efficiency.2. Check the setting of the relief valve for the bowland ejector circuits.3. Check the operation of the ejector valve spool inthe control valve for the scraper.4. Check the piston seals in the ejector and doorcylinders.5. Check the door check valve.Operating Speeds of the ElevatorPut a mark on one flight of the chain. Operate theengine at high idle rpm. Use a stop watch to make arecord of the number of revolutions per minute.OPERATINGSPEEDS OFELEVATORSpeedChainSeconds PerRangerpmChain Rev.LOW6.5 to 78 5 to 9 5HIGH10 to 115.3 to 5.8If the operating speeds are not correct:1. Check pump efficiency.2. Check the setting of the relief valve for theelevator circuit.3. Check the operation of the control valve for theelevator.4. Check the operation of the elevator valve spool inthe control valve for the scraper.5. Check the hydraulic motor.6. Check adjustment of elevator chain.CHECKING PUMP EFFICIENCYFor any pump test at a given rpm, the pump flow (gpm)at 100 psi (7.0 kg/cm2) (690 kPa) will be larger than thepump flow (gpm) at 1000 psi (70.0 kg/cm2) (6900 kPa).The difference between the pump flow of twooperating pressures is the flow loss.Method of finding flow loss...Pump flow at 100 psi57.5 gpm (litre/min)*Pump flow at 1000 psi-52.0gpm(litre/min)*Flow loss 5.5 gpm (litre/min)*Flow loss when expressed as a percent of flow lossis used as a measure of pump performance.If the percent of flow' loss is more than 10% for test onthe machine or 15% for test on the bench, pumpperformance is not good enough.Example of finding percent of flow loss........Percent(gpmflowloss) X 100 = of flow(Pump flow @ 100 psi)loss(*5.5) X 100 = 9.5%or (*57.5)*Numbers in examples are for illustration and notvalues for any specific pump or pump condition. See theSPECIFICATIONS FOR 613B SCRAPER HYDRAULICSYSTEM for pump flow of a new pump at 100 psi and1000 psi.Test On The MachineInstall a 9S2000 Flow Meter. Run the engine at 2000rpm. Measure the pump flow at 100 psi (7.0 kg/cm2)(690 kPa) and at 1000 psi (70.0 kg/cm2) (6900 kPa).Use these values in Formula I.Formula I:Percent(gpm@100psi-gpm@1000psi)X 100of flow( gpm C 100 psi )lossTest on the BenchIf the test bench can be run at 1000 psi and at fullpump rpm, find percent of flow loss using Formula I.If the test bench can not be run at 1000 psi at fullpump rpm, run the pump shaft at 1000 rpm. Measure thepump flow at 100 psi (7.0 kg/cm2) (690 kPa) and at 1000psi (70.0 kg/cm2) (6900 kPa). Use these values in thetop part of Formula II. For the bottom part of the formula,run the pump shaft at 2000 rpm. Measure the pump flowat 100 psi.Formula II:Percent(gpm@100psi—gpm@1000psi)X 100of flow(gpm @ 100 psi @ pump rpm)loss4-26
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