TM 5-3805-260-24INTRODUCTIONThe Tee Test is a method of testing a hydraulicsystem under conditions as close as possible to thoseexisting when the system is in operation. When usedcorrectly, the Tee Test will find the cause of a problem.When used as part of a preventive- maintenanceprogram, it will give an indication of a problem that cancause a failure.When an analysis is made of the hydraulicsystem, a standard procedure must be used to check it.The method used to check the system will follow thesesteps in order:1. Visual Checks2. Performance Tests3. Instruments TestsThe procedures to follow for each of these stepsare given in the Testing and Adjusting section of theService Manual for each machine.EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION(Ejector and Bowl System)1. With the engine stopped, slowly remove thecap on the hydraulic tank to release anypressure and then tighten. Start the engineand move the ejector to the full forwardposition. This will cause a vacuum in thetank to keep oil leakage at a minimum.Stop the engine.WARNING: Do not install the adapterfor the supply line for the pump or thereturn line assembly with the engine ON(running). Injury to personnel can be theresult.2. Remove the plug for the tee test from the supply lineelbow.3. Install a supply line adapter in the supply line elbow.NOTE: Install the adapter as rapidly as possible to keepthe oil loss at a minimum.4. Remove the plug for the tee test from the filter coverassembly.5. Install the return line adapter.6. Connect the return line hoses and the supply linehose to the flow meter.7. Connect the return line hose to the return lineadapter.8. Connect the supply line to the supply line adapter.WARNING: A plain coupler will not openthe valve in the adapter for the pumpsupply line. Use a valved coupler against avalved nipple when hoses are connected.9. Install the tachometer generator with the correct drive.10. Install the cable between the tachometer generatorand the input connection for the tachometer (rpm)on the flow meter.PREPARATION OF SYSTEM FOR TEST1. Open the manual load valve fully (turncounterclockwise).2. Start the diesel engine.3. Move the ejector control lever to the FOR-WARD orOPEN POSITION.4. With the engine at test rpm, slowly turn the manualload valve clockwise until the pressure goes upl) to1000 psi.5. Look at the oil temperature gauge.6. When the oil temperature is 100° F, turn the manualload valve clockwise until the pressure is 1500 psi.7. When the oil temperature is 1600 F, move all controllevers several times to get full cylinder movement ofall cylinders.8. Move the cylinders and run the elevator as long asneeded to get the desired oil temperature of 1500 Fall through the system.9. Put a chain around the elevator to prevent movement.SCRAPER EJECTOR AND BOWL SYSTEM TEST(CHART A)Write Down the Basic Test DataNOTE: Conditions in the hydraulic system must beconstant before you write down the test data. Thecontrol levers must be held in the exact position desired.Best results are found when oil temperature is 150 5F.4-31
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