TM 5-3805-260-24RELIEF VALVESA 2P8421 Adapter and parts from the 5S5 123Hydraulic Test Group are needed to test the pressuresetting of the relief valves.Relief Valve for the ElevatorThe engine must be stopped before the test gaugeand the cover for the oil line are installed.Install the 4M5317 Reducing Bushing in the 5P3501Adapter, then install both in the 2P8421 Adapter. Installthe 7S8714 Pressure Gauge (0-4000 psi) on the 4S4648Hose Assembly, then install the hose in the reducingbushing.PRESSURE TEST LOCATION(Under the Machine)1. Plug.The plug (I) in the line from the pump is under thefront of the transmission and is near the left side of theframe.Hydraulic oil will run out when plug (1) is removed soimmediately install the hose and gauge assembly whenplug (I) is removed.CONNECTIONS IN LINES TO ELEVATOR MOTOR2. Bolt (four in the connection of the oil line forelevator forward).Remove bolts (2) and install the 5H4020 Cover in theconnection for the oil line that goes into the hydraulicmotor nearest the drive end. Use longer bolts throughthe connection when the cover is in the connection.When the test equipment is installed, start theengine and run it at low idle rpm. Slowly move theelevator lever to the FORWARD position for not morethan 5 seconds. The high reading on the gauge is thepressure setting for elevator relief valve (3).NOTE: Increase engine rpm, if necessary, to make thispressure test.The correct pressure setting for relief valve (3) is2500 - 50 psi (175.8 3.5 kg/cm2) (17 250 - 345 kPa).ELEVATOR RELIEF VALVE(Under the Machine)3. Relief valve. 4. Locknut. 5. Adjustment screw.The elevator relief valve (3) is under the machine infront of the drive axle and near the left side of the frame.To adjust, loosen locknut (4) and turn adjustment screw(5) only a few degrees; clockwise to increase orcounterclockwise to decrease the pressure setting.Tighten locknut (4) and then make another elevator reliefvalve test.When the pressure setting adjustment for theelevator relief valve is correct, stop the engine andremove the test equipment.Relief Valve in the Control ValveThe engine must be stopped before the test gauge isinstalled. Install the 4M5317 Reducing Bushing in the5P3501 Adapter, then install both in the 2P8421 Adapter.Install the 7S8714 Pressure Gauge (0-4000 psi) on the4S4648 Hose Assembly, then install the hose in thereducing bushing.4-27
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