TM 5-3805-260-10Starting With A BoostWARNINGWhen starting from another machine, make sure themachines do not touch. This prevents sparks nearthe battery, which could ignite the hydrogen gasgiven off by the battery, causing the battery toexplode.Always wear eye protection when starting a machinewith a boost.To prevent possible personal injury, use care whenremoving the cables from the machine that has beenstarted. Do not allow the cable ends to contact eachother or the machine.Electrolyte is an acid and can cause personal injuryif it contacts skin or eyes.The machine to be started should be parked on levelground with all equipment lowered.If this is not possible, the wheels must be blockedsecurely, so that the machine cannot move.CAUTIONThese machines have a 24 Volt starting system. Useonly the same voltage (24 Volt) for boost starting.Use of a welder or higher voltage will damage theelectrical system.NATO Slave Starting Receptacle(613BSNS1 and 613BSS1 Only)1.Remove protective covers from the slavereceptacles.2.Connect the slave cable to the slave receptacle onthe charging vehicle first, then to the slave receptacle onthe vehicle to be started.3.Start the engine using standard starting procedures.4.After the engine starts, disconnect the slave cableand install protective covers on slave receptacles.1-27
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