TM 5-3805-260-10MOVING THE TRACTOR-SCRAPERWARNINGDo not move machine without normal air pressure.Shearing protection must be worn when working within33 feet of the tractor-scraper.NOTEIt is possible to start the engine when thetransmission selector lever is in other thanNEUTRAL, but the machine will not move. Shouldthis happen, move the selector lever to NEUTRAL,then to the desired speed range.1.Be sure seat belt is fastened.3.Raise scraper bowl just high enough to clearobstructions.5.Depress accelerator.2.Push parking brake button.WARNINGDo not move tractor-scraper until air pressureregisters normal and brake button remainsdepressed.4.Release safety lock. Move transmission speedselector to first speed.WARNINGCheck to be sure area is clear of personnel andobstructions.6.Turn at slow speed to check steering.7.Operate under light load for 5 minutes.8.Check brakes in safe area before traveling anydistance.NOTEIn an emergency the tractor-scraper can be moved in first gear with the emergency brake applied.1-30
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