TM 5-3805-260-24TORQUE CONVERTERREMOVE TORQUE CONVERTERstart by:a) remove elevator hydraulic pump*b) remove steering and scraper hydraulic pump*1. Remove panel assembly (1).2. Remove six bolts (2) from the two exhaust pipe assembly)flanges.3. Loosen bolt (5) in the clamp.4. Remove bolt (4) and remove exhaust pipe assembly (3).5. Remove bolts (9) and disconnect upper drive shaft (8) from thetorque converter.6. Loosen clamps (7) and disconnect tube assembly (6) from thetube.7. Disconnect hose assemblies (10) and (12) from the torqueconverter.8. Disconnect hose assemble (1 I) from the transmission pump.*This operation is in the VEHICLE SYSTEMS DISASSEMBLYAND ASSEMBLY.3-157
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