TM 5-3805-260-24TORQUE CONVERTERDISASSEMBLE TORQUECONVERTERTools NeededABCDE8B7548Puller Assembly1T774Spacer18H663Bearing PullerAttachment18H684Ratchet BoxWrench12P8312Retaining RingPliers11 P462Drive Plate19S289Compressor11 P532Handle11P504Dnve Plate11 P507Drive Plate1start by:a) remove torque converter1. Remove the elevator hydraulic pump and steering and scraperhydraulic pump from the torque converter.2. Disconnect tube assembly ( I ) from the transmission oil pump.Remove four bolts (3) and transmission oil pump (2).3. Remove two bolts (5), the retainer and flange (4) from the shaft.Check the condition of the O-ring seal under the flange If theseal has damage, use a new part for replacement.4. Remove six bolts (6) that hold the housing to the carrier.5. Install two 3/8"-16 NC forged eyebolts in housing (7) asshown. Fasten a hoist to the housing and remove it. It isnecessary to hit the end of the shaft with a soft faced hammeruntil the housing is free of the bearing on the shaft. Weight ofthe housing is 96 lb.(43.5 kg).3-160
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