TM 5-3805-260-24DIFFERENTIAL AND CARRIER ASSEMBLY (LOCK TYPE)28. For Models 613BSNS and 613BSS, to makean adjustment of the differential bearingpreload and gear clearance (backlash)between the bevel gear and pinion use thefollowing procedure:a) Tighten the adjustment nuts until thereis a small amount of preload on the bear-ings.b) Install tool group (C) on the bevel gear asshown to check the gear clearance (back-lash) at four locations around the bevelgear 900 apart. Use the lowest indicationon tool group (C) as the correct gearclearance (backlash) value. The correctgear clearance (backlash) is .012 + .005or - .004 in. (0.30 + 0.12 or - 0.10 mm).c) If the gear clearance (backlash) is toomuch, loosen the upper adjustment nutand tighten the lower adjustmnent nut thesame amount to change to gear clearance(backlash). If the gear clearance (back-lash) is not enough, loosen the loweradjustment nut and tighten the upperadjustment nut the same amount tochange the gear clearance (backlash).d) Tighten the upper adjustment nut until atorque of 30 to 50 lb. in. (3.4 to 5.7Nm) is needed to turn the pinion shaft.e) Check the gear clearance (backlash)again as the Steps b and c.28A. For Models 613BSNS1 and 613BSSI tomake an adjustment of the differentialbearing preload and gear clearance (back-lash) between the bevel gear and pinion usethe following procedure:a) Turn carrier assembly until the pinionhousing is down.b) Tighten one of the bolts (47) on eachbearing cap (46) and (48) to a torque of70 Nm (50 lb. ft.). Tighten the otherbolt on each bearing cap to a torque of5 Nm (4 lb. ft.).c) Use tool (D), and tighten both bearingadjuster nuts (49) and (50) evenly untilthere is a small amount of backlash andzero preload on the differential bear-ings.d) Turn the carrier assembly until thepinion housing is in the horizontalposition.3-242
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