TM 5-3805-260-24e)Use tool (E) and a torque wrench tomeasure the torque required to turnthe pinion shaft. Record this torquemeasurement.f)While turning bevel gear (51), use tool(D), and tighten the bearing adjusternut on the side adjacent to the bevelgear until there is zero backlash.g)Loosen the bearing adjuster nut to thenearest position where the bearingadjuster nut lock can be installed (maxi-mum of one lug movement).h)Use tool (D), and tighten the bearingadjuster nut on the side opposite thebevel gear until the torque required toturn the pinion shaft increases to 0.2to 0.5 N-m (2 to 4 lb. in.) more than thetorque measurement recorded in Step e.i)Put an alignment mark on bearing cap(46) adjacent to one of the lugs on bear-ing adjuster nut (48).j)Put an alignment mark on bearingadjuster nut (48) three lugs counter-clockwise from the mark on bearing cap(46).k)Tighten bearing adjuster nut (48) untilthe two marks are in alignment. If thebearing adjuster nut lock cannot beinstalled, tighten adjuster nut (48) untilthe lock can be installed.I)Use tool (C), and measure the backlashbetween the bevel gear and pinion. Thebacklash must be 0.20 to 0.42 mm(.008 to .017 in.).NOTE: The differential preload will be kept onlyif one bearing adjuster nut is loosened and theother adjuster nut is tightened the same amount.m)If backlash is too much, loosen bearingadjuster nut (49), and tighten adjusternut (50) the same amount.n)If backlash is not enough, loosen bear-ing adjuster nut (50), and tightenadjuster nut (49) the same amount.o) Tighten bolts (47) in bearing caps (46)and (48) to a torque of 475 ± 50 N-m(350 + 37 lb. ft.).3--243
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