TM 5-3805-260-24EMERGENCY AND PARKING BRAKE CHAMBERREMOVE EMERGENCY AND PARKING BRAKE CHAMBER1.Disconnect air line (2) from brake chamber assembly (1).2.Release the parking brake with shop air pressure of 70 psi(4.9 kg/cm2) or (480 kPa). Remove the cotter pin and pin(3).3.Remove two nuts (4) and lockwashers. Remove thebrake chamber assembly from the machine.INSTALL EMERGENCY AND PARKING BRAKE CHAMBER1.Put brake chamber assembly (2) in position and installthe two lockwashers and nuts (1) to hold it. Make surethe warning plate on the brake chamber assembly istoward the rear of the machine and can be seen.2.Activate brake chamber assembly (2) with shop airpressure at 70 psi (4.9 kg/cm2) or (480 kPa). Connectthe rod end to the parking brake lever with pin (3) andcotter pin.3.Connect air line (4) to brake chamber assembly (2).3-293
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