TM 5-3805-260-24Steer Axle Tires and WheelsInspect - CheckInspect tires for wear, cuts, gouges and foreign objects.Look for bent rims and correct seating of locking ring.Check tires for proper inflation. See "Tire InflationPressures."To inflate tires always use a clip-on chuck with aminimum 60 cm (24 inches) length of hose to an in-linevalve and gaugeAlways stand behind the tread of the tire, NOT in front ofthe rim.Do NOT reinflate a tire that has been run while flat orunderinflated, without first checking to make sure thelocking ring on the rim is not damaged and is in thecorrect position.WarningServicing and changing tires and rims can bedangerous and should be done only by trainedpersonnel using proper tools and procedures.If correct procedures are not followed whileservicing tires and rims, the assemblies couldburst with explosive force and cause seriousphysical injury or death. Follow carefully thespecific information provided by your tireservicing man or dealer.WarningSide to side stability is affected by pneumatictire type and inflation pressure.Tire Inflation PressureSizePly RatingkPapsi7.00 x 12 Steer12 Ply 700100NOTE: Fill tires to the recommended pressures listed +35 kPa (5 psi).When tires are changed be sure to clean all rim partsand, if necessary, repaint to stop detrimental effects ofcorrosion. Sand blasting is recommended for removal ofrust. Check all components carefully and replace anycracked, badly worn, damaged and severely rusted orcorroded parts with new parts of the same size and type.If there is any doubt, replace with new parts. Do NOT,under any circumstances, attempt to rework, weld, heator braze any rim components.5-4
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