TM 5-3805-260-24CRANKSHAFT REAR SEAL AND WEAR SLEEVEREMOVE CRANKSHAFT REAR SEALAND WEAR SLEEVETools NeededABC1P3075Puller Assembly15P7312Distorter15P7338Ring1start by:a) remove flywheel1. Remove the crankshaft rear seal from theflywheel housing with tooling (A).2. Install tool (C) in the rear seal bore.3. Install tool (B) betwveen tool (C) and the wearsleeve. Turn tool (B) until the edge of the toolmakes a flat place (crease) in the wear sleeve. Dothis in two or more places until the sleeve isloose.4. Remove tool (C) and the wear sleeve b) hand.INSTALL CRANKSHAFT REAR SEALAND WEAR SLEEVETools NeededA5P7293Installer15P290Locator11P5515Bolt29S8858Nut11. Install the crankshaft rear seal and wear sleevewith tooling (A) as follows:a) Clean and make a preparation of the wearsleeve inside diameter and crankshaft outsidediameter with 8M8060 Quick Cure Primer.Make an application of 9S3265 RetainingCompound to crankshaft outside diameterand wear sleeve inside diameter before thewear sleeve is installed on the crankshaft.b) Install locator (3) and the bolts on the rear ofthe crankshaft.c) Put clean engine oil on the lip of seal (I) andinstall the seal on wear sleeve (2).d) Put 7F2770 Cement on the outer metal sur-face of the seal.e) Put the wear sleeve (2) and seal (1) in positionon locator (3) with the outside diameter bevelof the wear sleeve toward the outside.NOTE: Make sure the lip of the seal is toward the frontof the engine before the seal is pushed in position asshown.f) Put installer (5) in position on the locator.g) Put clean engine oil on the face of nut (4) andinstall it on the locator. Tighten the nut untilinstaller (5) is at bottom.3-130h) Remove tooling (A) and check the wearsleeve and seal for the correct position afterinstallation.end by:a) install flywheel
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