TM 5-3805-260-24DIFFERENTIAL AND CARRIER ASSEMBLYREMOVE DIFFERENTIAL AND CARRIER ASSEMBLYTools NeededAB8S7620Base Assembly2BS7650Cylinder28S7645Hose Group15P3100Pump Group18S7640Stand28S7611Tube28S7615Pin28S8048Saddle2start by:a)remove crankcase guard*b)remove lower drive shaft1.Put blocks under the scraper wheels for safety.2.Drain the oil from the differential and both final drivecompartments. The total capacity is 8 U.S. gal.(30.3 litre).3.Remove the final drive covers and move each axleout approximately 12 in. (30 cm).4.Remove the bolts from clamps (3) and (5). Removemuffler (4) and tube (1).5.Remove eight nuts (2) from the bolts that hold theaxle housing to the frame.6.Use .75 in. (19.1 mm) diameter steel rod and makefour 15 in. (38.1 cm) long guide pins. Put 3/4"-16NF threads on one end of the guide pins and installa nut to make guide bolts.7.Make a replacement of four of the bolts that holdthe axle housing to the frame with the fabricatedguide bolts (6) as shown.8.Remove bolt (7) from the assembly. Remove thebolt from the clip that holds right wheel brake line(8) to the frame above the axle housing.9.Use tooling (A) to lift the machine approximately 4in. (10.2 cm).10.Install tooling (B) under the frame as shown.*This operation is in the ENGINE DISASSEMBLYAND ASSEMBLY.3-228
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