TM 5-3805-260-24TRANSMISSION CONTROL LINKAGEREMOVE TRANSMISSION CONTROLLINKAGENOTE: The seat is removed for photo illustration only.1.Make sure handle (2) is on the "OFF" position.2.Disconnect transmission cables (1) at the pin.3.Loosen locknut (5) and remove shift lever (4) fromlever (6).4.Remove nut (7). Remove the nut on back of pin (3). Pullthe pin out and remove lever (6).5.Remove the bolt that holds rod end (10) in position fromthe inside of the compartment. Remove the rod end.6.Remove three bolts (8) and lower shift lock handle (9)through opening (slot) in the console. Remove the rodassembly, spring and spacer as a unit. Remove the pinfrom handle (9). Remove the handle and the plate fromthe rod.INSTALL TRANSMISSION CONTROLLINKAGE1.Put the rod end (1) in position and install the bolt from theinside of the compartment.3-333
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