TM 5-3805-260-24DASH CONTROLS AND SWITCHESREMOVE DASH CONTROLSAND SWITCHES1. Remove parking brake (I) and emergency) brake (2)control valves from the dash.a) Remove the pin, the knob and the nut from thecontrol valves.2. Remove start switch (3), light switch (4) anddisconnect switch (5) from the dash.a) Remove the screw, the knob and the nut fromthe start and light s, itches. Remove the nutsfrom the disconnect switch.3. Tilt the cab, see REMOVE CAB for details. Removecorer (6).NOTE: Put identification on hose and wires correctinstallation.4. Disconnect the wires from the switch if a switch isto be removed. Disconnect the hoses if a controlis to be removed.WARNING: If the disconnect switch isremoved, disconnect the negative cableat the battery .INSTALL DASH CONTROLSAND SWITCHES1. Install the wires or hoses to the correct switch orvalve.3-338
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